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Prof. Sarkar and Supatchayaporn Nitsuwat join the 8th ICFD Conference


Prof. Sarkar (PI, Sarkar lab) presented a plenary talk titled "3D tongue-like surface: A quantitative tribology tool to probe oral processing" at the 8th International Conference on FOOD DIGESTION, Porto, Portugal from 8th to 11th April 2024. Prof. Sarkar's talk can be followed in the following papers:

Kew B, Holmes, M, Liamas E, Ettelaie R, Connell S, Dini D, Sarkar A. (2023).Transforming sustainable plant proteins into high performance lubricating microgels. Nature Communications15, Art No. 4743

Kew B, Holmes M, Stieger M, Sarkar A. 2021. Oral tribology, adsorption and rheology of alternative food proteins (2021). Food Hydrocolloids, 116, Art. No. 106636

Andalo-Reyes E, Bryant M, Neville A, Hyde TP, Sarkar R, Francis M, Sarkar A. (2020). 3D biomimetic tongue-emulating surfaces for tribological applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces12pp. 49371–49385

Supatchayaporn Nitsuwat (PhD student) presented a poster titled "Influence of eating capability and oral processing difficulties on nutrient intake" at the same conference.