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Principal Investigator

Professor Anwesha Sarkar

Anwesha Sarkar ( is Professor of Colloids and Surfaces at the University of Leeds, UK. She is the Director of Research and Innovation for the School of Food Science and Nutrition and also the Project Leader for the National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC) and Founder of a University of Leeds spinout MicroLub Ltd. Her international research trajectory spans from academic institutions to industries in India, New Zealand, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Prof. Sarkar received her BTech (Dairy Engineering) and MS (Food Technology) from India. Then she did PhD in Food Technology from Massey University, New Zealand (2010) in colloidal aspects of lipid digestion and worked for 4 years in Nestle Research (Lausanne) and Nestle Global Headquarters (Vevey) in Switzerland before joining University of Leeds. Prof. Sarkar is the PI of the prestigious ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant funded Project LUBSAT (2017-22) to discover oral lubrication mechanisms and its effects on oro-sensory satiety, PI of ERC Proof of Concept (PoC) Project AQUALUB (2020-23) to develop salivary substitutes with optimal oral lubrication properties and ERC PoC (UKRI Horizon Guarantee Fund) Project MICROLUB to develop microgel-based fat replacers and texturants. She is the PI of the Innovate Uk Project SusProFood to develop sustainble fibre-rich rducts enriched with alterantive protein without losing textural performance. Recently, she has been funded with a multimillion pound grant from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Innovate UK to lead an Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) and 150+ industrial and research partners on alternative protein. She has also been the Theme Lead in the EPSRC-CDT (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council-Centre for Doctoral Training) in 'Molecules to Product' (2019-27) and a key academic supervisor in EPSRC-CDT in 'Soft Matter for Formulation and Industrial Innovation' (2019-28). Prof. Sarkar was the Conference Chair of the 17th Food Colloids Conference (2018), the reputed biennial conference in the field of physical chemistry of complex foods at Leeds, UK and has served as Guest Editors for Advances in Colloid and Interface Science as well as Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. She is the editorial board member of journals, Food Hydrocolloids, Food Hydrcolloids for Health, Tribology Letters, Food Structure, and Journal of Texture Studies.

Prof. Sarkar has been the recipient of the prestigious Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Reserach and Development Award 2024 and also the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) McBain Medal 2024. She was recognized by the Women of Achievement Award 2021 at the University of Leeds for her recent contributions to the field of colloid science and oral processing and also the winner of the prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Food Group Junior Medal 2019 as a result of her research in designing novel food structures with targeted oral lubrication performance. Previously she was awarded Elsevier Young Scientist Award (2009) and Nestle Discovery award (2011) for her scientific researches. To date, Prof. Sarkar has published +120 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and is the co-inventor of 7 patents and and she is regularly invited for giving keynote lectures at national and international conferences in food, oral therapies and allied soft matter areas.

Current Team Members

Daisy Akgönüllü

PhD Student,
I am a PhD student funded by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Soft Matter for Formulation and Industrial Innovation (SOFI2) CDT and PepsiCo. I am researching the behaviour of biopolymeric microgels in emulsions both within the bulk continuous phase and at the interface; with the aim to gain fundamental understanding of how the nanomechanical properties and ordering of the microgels may influence their ability to act as Pickering stabilisers.

Saathana Ambikaibalan

PhD Student, School of Chemical and Process
I am part of the CDT Molecules to Product funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). My research focuses on wax crystal-stabilised Pickering emulsions, where the wax is derived from a side-stream. My aim is to understand the organic crystal formation at the interface of a single droplet to decipher true stabilisation mechanism.

Bianca Hazt

PhD student, I am a PhD student funded by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Soft Matter for Formulation and Industrial Innovation (SOFI2) and Reckitt Benckiser. My research focuses on understanding the mucoadhesive behaviour of microgels and their drug-release performance, considering different biomimetic environments using a combination of experimental and modelling approaches.

Gloria Hernandez Rodriguez

PhD student, School of Chemical and Process Engineering am a part of the CDT Molecules to Product, which is funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). My PhD project foIcuses on understanding the physical phenomenon that regulates the demulsification of microgel-stabilized Pickering emulsions on demand to design next generation stimuli-responsive droplets for controlled release of active materials for food, pharmaceutical, personal care and allied soft matter applications.

Megan Holdstock

PhD Student,
I am a PhD student funded by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Soft Matter for Formulation and Industrial Innovation (SOFI2) CDT and Nestle. My project is looking at the dispersion of protein particle fillers in non-aqueous media, specifically for chocolate applications. I am looking to gain an understanding of the interaction between the particles and also how this affects various materials properties.

Dr. Ben Kew

Postdoctoral Fellow,
I recently graduated from University of Leeds, UK with a PhD in Food Colloids Science, where I developed new knowledge on oral tribology and astringency of alternative proteins. I had re-joined Sarkar's Lab but as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow as part of the SusProFood project funded by the Innovate UK. Now, As part of the project in collaboration with partnering industries, I and developing novel processing technologies on how alternative proteins can be incorporated in large proportions in low pH and neutral pH-based fibre-rich food matrices to improve their nutritional efficacy without compromising their sensorial performance.

Jennifer A. McLauchlan

PhD Student, I am a PhD student funded by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training for Formulation and Industrial Innovation (SOFI2 CDT). My PhD project in Leeds is in collaboration with Oatly to design sustainable plant-based microgels. This involves using a combination of experimental techniques and coarse grain modelling to determine structure-property relationships.

Sowmya Narsipur

PhD student, School of Chemical and Process Engineering I am part of the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Molecules to Product, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), and based at the School of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Leeds. My PhD is about understanding and improving the functional and sensorial performance of single-cell proteins from microbial biomass as sustainable protein alternatives for use in vegan and functional foods.

Dr. Taskeen Niaz

Research and Innovation Fellow, School of Food Science and Nutrition I am a research and innovation fellow in the School of Food Science and Nutrition, funded by the National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC). I focus on the optimisation of in-vitro digestion models according to unique physicochemical and enzymatic properties of alternative protein. I am interested to understand the presence of anti-nutritional factors and effects of processing (e.g, enzymatic hydrolysis, extrusion, fermentation, and heat), structural modification and molecular properties on the digestibility of alternative proteins. I will also focus on unravelling the Interaction of alternative proteins with intestinal mucus and their subsequent absorption as well as on the co-digestion dynamics of alternative proteins in the presence of dietary fibre/ polymers.

Nisufyan Nimaming

PhD Student,
My PhD research focuses on emulsion stabilisation by Pickering particles. The aim of this project is to investigate the characteristics and properties of Pickering emulsion stabilized by biodegradable particles for controlled delivery of bioactive compounds.

Supatchayaporn Nitsuwat

PhD Student,
As part of my PhD, I aim to understand the impact of the different aspects of oral processing on the nutrient intake in older adults and address their nutritional needs through foods that conform with their oral processing capability.

Dr. Mary Okeudo-Cogan

Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Food Science and Nutrition I am a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Food Science and Nutrition, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Prize. My research aims to characterize the three-dimensional protein distribution and protein identification on cell wall of Fusarium venenatum. I am focusing on understanding the protein localisation using a highly interdiciplinary approach combining superresolution microscopy, modelling and crystalographic approaches.

Zohreh Honarvar Shahroudi

PhD Student,
My PhD research funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Collaborative Training Partnership (BBSRC-CTP) and Mondelez focuses on how the material properties of both insoluble and partially soluble particles affect the oral processing behavior of fat-based products, particularly chocolate. Using a wide range of cutting-edge analytical approaches, I investigate the behavior of particles and their interactions at the interface where the oil phase meets saliva, contributing to a multiphase complex fluid. I also explore how these behaviors translate into sensory perception in the context of oral processing time.

Dr. Lakshminarasimhan Sridharan

Postdoctoral Fellow,
I am a Marie Curie/ EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Sarkar Lab. I obtained my PhD from Wageningen University in the Netherlands followed by working at Planted Foods in Switzerland as a protein specialist. In my postdoctoral project, I will investigate how conventional and novel protein extraction methods influence protein properties and their sensory perception using a suite of analytical and in vitro methods. I will also develop a Machine learning model to capture the links between processing, material properties and sensory performance.

Patrick Stephen Maghari

PhD Student,
I am a PhD student funded by the University of Leeds. My PhD focuses on lectin-glycan interactions to manage asthma. The aim of my project specifically involves the development of allergen trapping materials by exploiting lectin-glycan interactions.

Elizabeth Tenorio-Garcia

PhD Student,
My PhD project funded by CONACyT (Mexico) focusses on designing double emulsions stabilized by food grade particles. One of the primary purposes is to engineer low-fat foods to address global obesity challenges. As these food colloidal structures have to render similar characteristics to full-fat ones, tribological studies will be carried out to characterise and compare mouthfeel sensations using biomimetic oral set ups.

Chenxi Wang

PhD Student,
I am a PhD student funded by Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC). My research focuses on designing novel Pickering water-in-water emulsions using biocompatible microgels with an aim to emulate the outstanding lubrication performance of nature-engineered lubricants to address mucosal dryness. I want to pinpoint the underlying mechanisms of the lubrication performance.

Mingxin Wang

PhD Student,
My PhD project will focus on understanding the techno-functional performance of plant-based proteins post enzymatic modification, specifically interfacial and lubrication properties of plant protein hydrolysates. This project will create new findings to address techno-functional challenges and plant protein astringency perceived in the mouth.

Qi Wang

Visiting PhD Student,
I am a PhD student in the Zhejiang Gongshang University ( Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China), and I am spending a year at the University of Leeds as a visiting researcher funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC). My research in Leeds is research focuses on elucidating the underlying friction mechanisms that dictate the sensory characteristics of various types of particle suspensions, employing tribological setup tailored to mimic oral physiological features.

Yanhui Zhang

Visiting PhD Student,
I am a PhD student in the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering at China Agricultural University, China and a visiting researcher at the University of Leeds for a year funded by CSC Chinese Scholarship. My research focuses on oral processing properties of oleogel-based high internal phase emulsions. I want to explore the characteristics of the oral thin film between oral mimicked surfaces to capture the physics behind texture perception of high internal phase Pickering emulsions.

Yangyi Zheng

PhD Student,
My PhD research focuses on using novel techniques to improve the nutritional and techno-functional properties of plant proteins, specifically legume proteins. I am particularly interested in extraction processes of plant proteins that tend to influence structure and consequently performance of legume proteins.

Past Team Members (2016-23)

  • Dr. Andrea Araiza-Calahorra (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Dr. Siavash Soltanahmadi (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Alice Burberry (Research Assistant)
  • Dr. Amna Katun (PhD Student)
  • Yao Lu (Visiting PhD Student, China Agricultural University, China)
  • Jun Yang (Visting PhD Student, Nanchang University, China)
  • Frances Brown (PhD Student)
  • Cristhian Lopes Francisco (Visiting PhD Student, University of Campinas, Brazi)
  • Dr. Frances Brown (PhD Student)
  • Dr. Ben Kew (PhD Student)
  • Dr. Hasan H. Kara (TUBITAK Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Nutrition and Dietetics Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkiye)
  • Dr. Kwan Mo-You (PhD Student)
  • Dr. Olivia Pabois (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Mohd. Khalid Gul (SERB Visiting Fellow, Department of Food Process Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, India)
  • Dr. Ecaterina Stribitcaia (PhD Student)
  • Shikha Aery (Visiting Commonwealth Split-side PhD Student, Dept. Chemistry, Panjab University, India)
  • Hanna Fanny Clarisse Lesme (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Mingxin Wang (Research Assistant)
  • Farida Akalweel (Research Assistant)
  • Yasmin Message (Research Assistant)
  • Siyu Deng (Masters Project Student)
  • Muskan Swaminarayan (Masters Project Student)
  • Subhajit Sarkar (Masters Project Student)
  • Mingxin Wang (Research Assistant)
  • Zihan Lu (Masters Project Student)
  • Zoe King (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Monica Clark (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Yasmin Message (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Dr. Shuning Zhang (PhD Student)
  • Dr. Mingduo Mu (Research Assistant)
  • Dr. Evangelos Liamas (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Jing Hu (Masters by Research Student)
  • Eleana Stylianou (Masters Project Student)
  • He Zu (Masters Project Student)
  • Yonglin Li (Masters Project Student)
  • Kenan Liu (Masters Project Student)
  • Dr. Andrea Araiza Calahorra (PhD Student)
  • Dr. Efren Andablo-Reyes (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Dr. Morfo Zembyla (PhD Student)
  • Dr. Emma Krop (PhD Student)
  • Xin Li (Visiting Chinese Scholarship CSC Split-side PhD Student, School of Food Science, Jiangnan University, China)
  • Dr. Arantxa Rizo Párraga (Visiting Researcher, IATA-CSIC, Spain)
  • Dr. Abhijit Dan (Visiting Researcher, Dept. of Chem, Panjab University, India)
  • Hoang Du Le (Visiting PhD Student, Massey University, New Zealand)
  • Dr. Ophelie Torres (PhD Student)
  • Pallab Kumar Borah (Visiting Commonwealth Split-side PhD Student, Dept. Food Eng and Tech, Tezpur University, India)
  • Feng Xu (Masters by Research Student)
  • Linge Teng (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Lucy Daynes (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Ben Kew (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Juslin Varghese (Masters Project Student)
  • Demetra Yerani (Masters Project Student)
  • Namrata Bhujbal (Masters Project Student)
  • Ming Fu (Masters Project Student)
  • Elinor Jones (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Farah Kanti (Erasmus Student, AgroSup, Dijon, France)
  • Valerie Ademuyiwa (Masters Project Student)
  • Apaporn Thummavanich (Masters Project Student)
  • Nur Binti Esa (Masters Project Student)
  • Mo Chen (Masters Project Student)
  • Kiu Tso (Masters Project Student)
  • Siti Ahmad (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Emma Baron (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Samuel Stubley (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Igor Wolz (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Davide Rabiti (Erasmus Student, Food Science Dept., University of Bologna, Italy)
  • Shuning Zhang (Research Assistant)
  • Dr. Nicolai Kraut (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Li Hancong (Masters Project Student)
  • Man Lai (Masters Project Student)
  • Nidia Mercado Tena (Masters Project Student)
  • Aliah Mohd Nizan (Masters Project Student)
  • Maria Zahid (Masters Project Student)
  • Hugues Patuot (Erasmus Student, AgroSup, Dijon, France)
  • Dr. Laura Laguna (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Eda Adal (Visiting PhD Student, Food Eng Dept., Gaziantep University, Turkey)
  • Deborah Cray (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Deborah Del Negro (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Grace Farrell (Undergrad Project Student)
  • Azad Abdalla (Masters Project Student)
  • Hannah Kamaruddin (Masters Project Student)
  • Shikai Wang (Masters Project Student)
  • Xinyi Yang (Masters Project Student)