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Sarkar Lab was well represented in EFFoST 2022 with Ecaterina winning the PhD Student of the Year (1st Prize)


Five poster presentations and one oral presentation were given by PhD students and postdoctoral fellow at the EFFoST conference, 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Massive congratulations to Ecaterina Stribiţcaia (PhD Student, ERC Project LubSat) for wining the EFFoST PhD Student of the Year Award 2022 (1st Prize). Also big congratulations to Ben Kew (PhD Student, ERC Project LubSat) for Popular Vote Award for his poster.

The poster and the oral presentation titles were:

Dr. Siavash Soltanahmadi (Postdoctoral fellow, ERC LubSat Project) gave an oral presentation on "Towards the use of protein microgels as multifunction additives".

Mary Okeudo-Cogan (PhD Student, EPSRC CDT Molecules to Product and Quorn Foods) presented poster on "Sustainable meat alternatives: Probing interactions of potato protein and fungal hyphae composites".

Ecaterina Stribiţcaia (PhD Student, ERC Project LubSat) presented a poster on "Oral lubrication performance of food - a new textural manipulation to enhance satiety"

Ben Kew (PhD Student, ERC Project LubSat) presented poster on "Improving lubrication and functionality of plant proteins for microgelation for optimal sensory and fat replacement applications".

Elizabeth Tenorio-Garcia (PhD Student, Conacyt Mexico) presented poster on "Double emulsions stabilized with cocoa butter fat crystals as Pickering particles".

Frances Brown (PhD Student, BBSRC DTP and Mondelēz International) presented poster on "Comparison of the frictional properties of plant and dairy proteins".