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Welcome back Mingxin to Sarkar Lab


Welcome back Mingxin Wang to Sarkar Lab as a PhD Student. Mingxin has finished her  MSc in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Leeds doing her MSc dissertation in Sarkar Lab. After her  graduation, she worked as a research assistant in Sarkar Lab focusing on the tribological properties of plant-sourced ingredients and saliva substitutes. In her PhD, Mingxin will be supervised by Prof. Anwesha Sarkar and Dr. Rammile Ettelaie from School of Food Science and Nutrition and Dr. Reem El-Gendy from School of Dentistry.  She will be focusing on understanding the techno-functional performance of plant-based proteins post enzymatic modification, specifically interfacial and lubrication properties of plant protein hydrolysates. Her PhD will deepen the understanding of techno-functional issues and astringency of plant proteins and address them using hydrolysis strategies.